Tuesday 9 November 2010

Kitty's hot fudge sundae

Yesterday Kitty decided to make hot fudge sundaes. She baked brownies, bought vanilla ice cream and wafers and ate Sunday lunch before starting on the hot fudge sauce.

I was so impressed at all the planning and really looking forward to being overfed. She didn't have a recipe, so I sent her to a favourite cook book and she was off. No butter, never mind, margarine went into the pan followed by sugar. Then milk – she seemed to think you were meant to guess the measurement and was thrilled when I passed her a measuring jug with index of measure on the outside. I don’t think she’s ever used liquids in cooking before. Then her pal spotted that she was meant to use evaporated milk – Kit said, "no problem, I’ll just boil this down a bit".

Be still my beating heart: she is my daughter. Unfortunately we didn’t have the time, faith or the will to let her attempt this miracle. Evaporated milk is very thick and I seem to remember rather delicious. In Normandy they make the only rice pudding I’ve every enjoyed, by boiling down delicious milk with rice, so that the grains of rice almost disappear. Hmm. I’ll be trying that out sometime. Back to fudge sauce.

We improvised using more cornflour in the ordinary milk, adding a spoonful of golden syrup to the sugar/butter mixture, bubbled it all up for a bit (rolling boil to those in the know). Then we added the cornflour/milk mixture bit by bit, enjoyed the volcanic style frothing, kept stirring... and it turned out lovely. There isn’t any left to photograph anyway. Everyone ate far too much.

Brownie recipe elsewhere in this blog.

Oh, it was delicious, thanks Kit. 

evaporated milk isn't a miracle - it just takes about two hours and a lot of patience to make it

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